Information on revisions for this season’s study materials
Each exam season we publish new versions of our study materials for each exam.
This page provides answers to the following common questions:
What changed from last season’s materials?
Do you publish materials containing just the revisions to your study materials?
When the syllabus for the exam is unchanged from one season to the next, then our updated versions for the new season will be almost identical to the prior season’s versions, with the only changes being minor edits that we make during the six months between publishing dates.
But when the SOA makes changes to the syllabus, the new versions will contain whatever changes are needed to reflect the new syllabus. So when the syllabus changes substantially, our study materials also change substantially. To gauge how much the syllabus changed for this season, refer to our syllabus changes pages that can be accessed from our home page.
We do not produce separate “revisions only” study manuals, notecards, or practice problem sets. If your employer does not reimburse you for purchasing new study materials for retaking an exam, please let us know and we can provide you a coupon code to receive a 40% discount on the new materials.